As a school we encourage students to look for amazing opportunities both home and abroad and our extensive field trips and careers programme is all part of this.
We were delighted this week to catch up with Taine Garner, a former student, who has gained a football-related scholarship to study for a Psychology degree at the North-East Texas Community College in the USA.
Taine departs in August and dropped of a signed Eagles billboard poster as he progresses into the American soccer leagues.
Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “Having learnt of Taine’s ambitions whilst walking through Paris on our Year 11 trip, I am so thrilled he has turned them into reality. He is smart, talented and driven and I know he’ll have an amazing experience. I am delighted for both Taine and his wonderfully supportive family and we will be keeping in touch as he is a great role model to show other students what can be achieved.”
If you wish to learn more about the North-East Texas Community College click here.