The following COVID guidance was sent out to parents on Monday 24 May:

We are contacting you following a single confirmed case of the COVID 19 Variant of Concern in Year 13 which has resulted in us liaising with Public Health England and Staffordshire County Council.

This has resulted in the usual arrangements for track and trace and potentially affected students have been directed to isolate as appropriate.

The SCC Health Team believe that transmission has “occurred outside of school”.

Equally, they have stated that they “will not be performing wider testing of children at school, as there is no information to suggest that other children could be at risk”.

They have directed us to send out the following information to parents:

All Parents Letter

Y13 Parents Letter

The letter includes guidance on where to get further health advice from specialists.

Matt Allman, Headteacher, added: “Rest assured we are applying all advice from Public Health England, Staffordshire County Council, as well as the Department for Education”.