We will be launching our Year 9 Transition Home Learning Assignments which have been created to personalise home study for our pupils as they approach the end of KS3.  Each Transition HLA will match the ‘Pathway’ subjects pupils have chosen to study next year when they start in Year 10.

Subject leaders have created these HLAs to include content that will help get Year 9 students off to a great start in Year 10. They will include consolidation of learning that has taken place this year, as well as preparatory work that will give pupils a head start next year.  

All of the Transition HLAs will be set using Satchel One (Show My Homework) and we expect that all Year 9 pupils will complete each task. 

Each Transition HLA contributes to our post-covid recovery curriculum as well as preparing pupils for independent study in Key Stage 4.

Lottie Hearn, Assistant Headteacher said; ” This year has been yet another challenging year for our learners and we feel that this personalised approach to home learning will allow pupils to look forward to their future and the new curriculum they have chosen to study next year.  It is a real opportunity to review their progress and prepare, for what we hope, will be a ‘normal’ year”