The Year 12 Work Experience week is planned for the last week of the Summer Term, but we want students to have the opportunity to book onto some virtual work experience in advance, so that they are prepared.
Certainly, spending as little as one day with an employer, taking part in career-specific tasks or simply work-shadowing (watching an experienced employee at work) can be incredibly beneficial for your son or daughter as they begin to consider their future destination after life in the Sixth Form.
Whilst we are unable to facilitate work experience placements this year, we are excited to introduce to Year 12 students the opportunity to participate in virtual work experience that will enable them to:
- develop transferable skills, such as communication and team working
- understand how organisations work or bringing a job they have read about to life
- build confidence in interacting with adults
- confirm interest in a career or (equally useful!) deciding it is not for them
- get a foot in the door – if they impress the employer they may be asked back on a more formal arrangement such as an internship or encouraged to apply when vacancies arise.
- provide valuable content for a UCAS personal statement to give evidence of an interest in a particular subject/occupation
During the last week of the summer term, tutor time will be dedicated to the delivery of our virtual work experience programme. In preparation for this, please view the information below regarding what is on offer and then encourage your son / daughter to sign up to one of the opportunities available.
We recommend that if your son or daughter is interested in a specific career or subject field, they conduct research in advance of the work experience week; places on certain courses are limited and so pre-booking is advisable to avoid disappointment. Students will have up to, and including, the summer holidays to complete a work experience ‘Evidence Log’ which should be submitted to us upon their return to school in September. All evidence of virtual work experience gained may then be referred to and commended in references to support both future employment and university applications, where work experience skills are highly valued.
Work experience opportunities can be accessed through:
Unifrog are a complete destinations platform offering virtual work experience placements at top employers around the world. You can access these fantastic opportunities by logging in and selecting the Special Opportunities tool.
Please click here for further information.
Willmott Dixon
Gain a unique insight into careers in construction ranging from Business Administration to Construction Project Managers, there are so many different careers to choose from so get researching with this exciting, proactive company.
Please click here for further information.
Barclays Life Skills
Virtual work experience gives you a unique opportunity to gain work experience in a company that you might not normally get access to while highlighting the essential skills you might need. Look at transferable skills, and types of job and skills, by profession. By clicking on the link you’ll get the most out of your virtual work experience and learn more about the vital skills you’ll need in the workplace.
Please click here for further information.
For more information on the above work experience sites about how to sign up, gain access and navigate the websites, please view this ‘How To Guide’.
If you have any further questions or would like speak to us about virtual work experience, please contact with Sixth Form team at
Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “All job and university applications will ask about experience and in the current climate online / virtual work experience is 100% valid; in fact, it will be one of the good thing that is taken out of the pandemic experience. We would encourage all students to explore their potential carers routes – parents have a lot to offer here too – and this focus week for Year 12s is a great opportunity to put time aside and plot a route forward.”