This weekend saw over 180 Year 9 and Year 10 students attend our Saturday School programme which is part of our COVID recovery curriculum.

The Saturday morning sessions saw Year 10 GCSE History students undertake revision and skills work whilst the Year 9 French sessions gave all those students taking GCSE French from next school year a confidence boost and a rallying cry that there was absolutely no reason they were not going to be a huge success in the subject.

The school as already open for business with teachers in planning work and site staff continuing to improve the site through roof and decoration work so though it was not as hectic as a normal day it wasn’t a million miles removed.

The Year 9 and Year 10 Saturday School programme can be seen at and the sessions only complement the after-school boosters for targeted students in all Year groups, as well as our extra-curricular offer which can be viewed at:

Sam Sullivan, Assistant Headteacher, said: “We are a school that very much goes the extra mile after school and at the weekend and our staff have simply rolled through their programme to take in younger years groups in these strange times.”

Matt Allman, Headteacher, added: “We are grateful to all the parent taxi drivers who dropped their children in and the staff and children did themselves proud with the extra graft. We are confident we can see both Year 9 and Year 10 shine come exam time and coming in on Saturdays is about generating a team spirit and commitment which helps far beyond simply exam prep.”