Our Admissions process allows for the appeals of those families whose child did not gain places at our school.
The schedule for this process is as follows:
Offer Date 1 March 2021
Appeals to be Lodged By 31 March 2021
Appeals to be Heard By 26-28 May 2021
Our Admissions Policy is available from the Policies section of our school website and Greywood Multi-Schools Trust is the admittance authority.We work with Staffordshire County Council’s admissions team on the process and they have the appeals system underway.
If you require any further information, please contact us via: office@friaryschool.co.uk.
Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “We are proud to draw children from across the wider district though regrettably as an over-subscribed school some fantastic families miss out. Once the appeals process is finalised we will be working on transition arrangements for our new Year 7 students.”