Our school holds Holocaust Beacon School Status which is an accreditation form University College London (UCL) for committing to improving teaching standards, raising student achievement and strengthening SMSC provision through a specialist delivery of Holocaust-related education.

This means we ensure our staff remain well-trained and experienced in the delivery of this vital topic and that we maintain a high profile locally in delivering this focus.

We have a string of activities within school – and virtually – to recount thinking about the Holocaust. However, plans for a first Greywood Multi-Schools Trust historical lecture had to be put on ice for a year due to the pandemic

Connor Perry, History teacher and Holocaust Beacon School Lead, said: “We take great pride in ensuring both our staff and students develop a strong awareness of the ramifications of the Holocaust and it was just under a year ago that we had students visiting Auschwitz as part of this provision. We are looking forward to developing our provision next year but for now there are online activities for students to dig into.”