Every student at our school has their own email account. They are used regularly within school and the log-in process is pretty much the same in school as out of school.
They can be access via going to https://login.microsoftonline.com
Alternatively, students can visit www.friaryschool.co.uk before clicking on the ‘Students’ tab and then the ‘Student Email’ link.
If you need extra guidance on accessing emails or sending in work to teachers then click here.
If your child is unsure of their email address then contact office@friaryschool.co.uk and we will ensure you get the details sent to you. Their password is what they use at school.
Mark Drury, Assistant Headteacher, said: “Students often communicate with their teachers via the messenger facilities in Show My Homework or by asking questions in their ‘live’ lessons. However, another option is via email and teachers will reply as soon they can.”