We are pleased to announce that thanks to the efforts of students at The Friary we have been awarded our first Eco-School Award. The school can now proudly say that we are an Eco School having been awarded the Bronze Award.
To achieve this award Year 8 students have formed an eco-committee and have taken responsibility for developing the school’s approach to eco-campaigning. Following a successful environmental review, they have held assemblies this week, produced tutor time activities and used many of the ideas from across the school to complete an environmental action plan.
In order to achieve the silver award, they will be continuing to meet regularly and ensure that the action plan is successful. By maintaining this approach we hope to achieve the Green Flag status by the end of the year.
Luke Baker, Assistant Headteacher, said: “This is a fantastic achievement for the Eco Committee and the rest of school. It may be led by our Year 8 eco warriors, but it will provide opportunities for the rest of the school to make a massive difference to the environment and to leave a lasting green legacy at the Friary.”