Our students-only Sixth Form Open Evening went well and our Year 11 bubble operated safely as students got to get the key information and documents on Sixth Form and meet teachers to talk through their suitability for different courses.
The application process kicked off straight after the evening and 1-to-1 interviews have already began to take place to help student to frame their choices and to focus their minds on getting the GCSE results which open the doors for Sixth Form.
Elsewhere, the Facebook Live broadcast by Sarah Cresswell, Head of Sixth Form, and Matt Allman,. Headteacher, attracted almost 1,000 views and lots of great questions from parents.
Carrie Cain, Assistant Headteacher, said: “It has been a different process but still a valuable one and whatever happens now we will endeavour to get children well placed on courses and happy with their future destinations.”
Matt Allman, Headteacher, added: “The application process is very much about looking to next year but the reality is that the focus most remain on the lessons now which determine the success in the Year 11 exams. It is really important to have dreams and aspirations as they can keep the motivation going and offer the inspiration when there is a tough day. Even so, there is no point in hoping for ‘jam tomorrow’ if the hard work is not maintained today.”