Clearly, we are seeing an increase in the numbers having to isolate, and we are all being kept in more with lockdown, and there is no doubt this has a negative impact on our well-being.

Anna Bateman, from The National College has produced a resource to map out keep approaches to ensure both children and adults can maintain their mental well-being during lockdown and isolation and she particularly draws attention to:

  • Mindset and Thoughts
  • Keep Physically Active
  • Positive Thoughts
  • Good Quality Sleep
  • Eat Well
  • Accepting Help
  • Doing Good Does You Good
  • Stay Connected

The full resource can be seen here.

Ian Rose, Deputy Headteacher and Safeguarding Lead, said: “We work hard to encourage our students to remain positive, upbeat and to take care of themselves both physically and mentally. This resource is a good starting point for family discussions and helps us all to focus our minds on how we can take care of ourselves and one another.”