Halloween 2020 saw Friary students take part in a pumpkin carving competition in aid of supporting the local community and care home The Spires.

This is a first for the Friary School and somewhat turned out quite popular with students from Y7, Y9, Y10 and also Sixth Form getting involved.

We had many designs ranging from scary faces, sweetie designs and decorated pumpkins praising the work of the NHS which was lovely to see so many creative and imaginative designs.

Kim Fallows, Head of Health & Social Care, said: “I can’t thank you all enough for helping out with this event – the care home staff and residents were extremely grateful for all that took part in lighting up their driveway. However, there must be a winner…..and that goes to Freya Mackman Y10 as nominated by the care home residents (see photo). Well done Freya, your prize from the care home will be delivered soon, and well done to everyone for your efforts, a little treat is coming your way.”