Our next Focus Week is based around World Animal Day (4 October) and there are lots of chance for students to get involved.
The week will see:
Staff will be bringing in their pets all week and some will be competing in a virtual ‘Pets Got Talent’ competition.
If your pet has a talent, why not film it in a quick 5 second clip and enter it into the competition and win 5 House points?
Also – we will be showing off pet selfies all week! So take a selfie with your pet and send it in and win 5 House points!
Finally – Wednesday is ‘animal face mask day’. So either make, buy or adapt an animal mask, wear it on Wednesday and get 5 House points!
Send all entries to – animalweek@friaryschool.co.uk
Luke Baker, Assistant Headteacher, said: “We have re-jigged out famous Pet Week to World Animal Day just to add more variety but lots of the old favourites will be back. Expect dogs, cats, ferrets, snakes and giraffes next week.”