The Health & Social Care Department have a reputable link with local care homes in Lichfield, in particular The Spires.

Following an awful few months in the care home sector due to COVID-19, The Spires asked if we had any volunteers who would like to give something back to the residents who had been unable to see friends and family during the pandemic.

New students on the course took part in ‘Decorate a Shoebox Project’. The main purpose behind this was for students to decorate an old shoe box in order for it then to be filled with special memories and things the residents had missed out on during the coronavirus situation.

Kim Fallows, Head of Health & Social Care, said: “At first we thought students wouldn’t engage in this project as much with them being fresh on the course, however, they have succeeded all expectations and gone above and beyond using their imaginative and artistic skills. One student in particular, Amy Findlay, took it upon herself to think outside the box and design a specific dementia care shoebox, which included sensory items to help a dementia patient maybe remember some of things they now forget like types of smells, such as cinnamon.”

As always the Health & Social Care Department like students to compete in most of the activities they do, and so will ask the care home manager to judge the boxes and students hard work awarding a first, second and third place. However, for now, Ms Fallows and Mrs Simkiss would like to say a particular well done to Fenton Nash, Chloe Martin and Gabi Davies-Friend for their exceptional efforts