Next week in school we will be recognising World Heart Day by delivering a series of age appropriate assemblies and tutor activities for students in Y7-11. The assembly and tutor activities will consider key issues relating to heart disease such as what heart disease is, heart disease prevalence, causes of heart disease, heart disease prevention and heart disease treatment and innovation.
We will also be collapsing the timetable for Y8, for two lessons, so that students can attend a carousel of four workshops.
These workshops will mainly focus on healthy lifestyle messages that are key to heart disease prevention in later life but also sound advice for healthier lives in general. The sessions will be based on the following themes and suggested content as set out in the PSHE Association’s advised programme of study:
(i) Healthy Eating; what constitutes a balanced diet and its benefits including the links associated with both obesity and dieting. About dental health and the benefits of good oral hygiene and dental flossing, including healthy eating and regular check-ups at the dentist.
(ii) Physical Health & Fitness; the benefits of physical activity. The positive associations between physical activity and promotion of mental wellbeing, including as an approach to combat stress. The characteristics of a healthy lifestyle to include maintaining a healthy weight, including the links between an inactive lifestyle and ill health, including cancer and cardiovascular ill-health.
(iii) Emotional Health the characteristics of mental and emotional health and strategies for managing these. Strategies to understand and build resilience, as well as how to respond to disappointments and setbacks. A range of healthy coping strategies and ways to promote wellbeing and boost mood, including physical activity, participation and the value of positive relationships in providing support. The importance of, and strategies for, maintaining a balance between school, work, leisure, exercise, and online activities.
(iv) Sleep; the importance of good quality sleep for good health and how a lack of sleep can affect weight, mood and the ability to learn.
As always we see to inform parents in advance on the topics that we will be covering, so you are not only aware of the coverage taking place in school, but also so you can be prepared for further questions and/or discussion that either you or your child may wish to initiate at home.
British Nutrition Foundation
Physical Activity Guidelines for Young People
Teenagers & Sleep
BMI Calculator for Children & Teens
Young Person’s Mental Health Support
Helen Barratt, Head of Humanities and PSHE Coordinator, said: “Our PHSE model allows us to ensure all student benefit from covering a wide range of topics, whilst we can also ensure that students receive in-depth tuition throughout their time at school, and age-appropriate sessions that mirror where they are in their lives.”