We have a long tradition of going the extra mile with our students and this includes extra, free sessions on a Saturday mornings and during the school holidays to ensure our students get that extra nudge to get them over their individual line.

The Saturday sessions run between 9.30-11.30am. We recommend students bring a snack – though we will provide a hot drink – and they do not have to wear school uniform.

Some Saturday Schools are specifically targeted so are invite only, whilst others are open to all Year 11 and/or Year 13 students. Naturally, students and parents/carers will be informed in advance by teachers.

The sessions are voluntary – though there might be one or two students who find they are compulsory if we think they are lagging behind.

The current Saturday Schools are scheduled as follows:

Autumn Term – 2
Subject and Year groups Teaching Staff SLT on Duty
Saturday 26th September Y11 History Mr Rivers-Boyce and the History Team MDY / LBR
Saturday 17th October Year 11 – Science – Mock Exam Revision


Y11 Enterprise (small cohort)

Mr Brown and the Science Team

Miss Sherry

Saturday 31st October Year 11 – English – Mock Exam Revision Mr Daniels and the English Team SSN
Saturday 7th November Year 11 – Maths – Mock Exam Revision Miss Kenney and the Maths Team IRE
Spring Term  – 1
Subject and Year groups Teaching Staff SLT on Duty
Saturday 30th January Year 11 Health and Social Care – Exam revision Miss Fallows LHN
Saturday 6th February Year 11 – Science – PPE Revision Mr Brown and the Science Team TBC
Saturday 20th  February Year 11 – English – in advance of PPE Exam Mr Daniels and the English Team SSN
Spring Term  – 2
Subject and Year groups Teaching Staff SLT on Duty
Saturday 27th   February Year 11 – Maths – in advance of PPE Exams Miss Kenney and the Maths Team IRE
Summer Term  – 1
Subject and Year groups Teaching Staff SLT on Duty
Saturday 12th  May Year 11 – English Literature Mr Daniels and the English Team TBC
Saturday 12th  June Year 11 Maths Miss Kenney and the Maths Team TBC

This schedule will be added to through the school year and details will be well circulated.

Sam Sullivan, Assistant Headteacher, said: “The Saturday School session breed confidence, commitment and aspiration. They allow students a change to check, ask questions and to reflect on what they need to do. We would recommend all students to attend whenever they have the opportunity to do so.”