Our food offer has altered this term as we work around the new COVID lunch arrangements which see Years 8-9 having ‘First Lunch’, Y7 have their own lunch, and then Years 10-11 having ‘Second Lunch’.

The food on offer has been designed to be minimum wrapping, grab-and-go, and we are trying to be even more clear on the labelling; Ie – vegetarian, gluten-free, etc.

The rotated menus can be seen here:

Autumn Term Menu 1 – W/B – 3/9, 21/9, 12/10
Autumn Term Menu 2 – W/B – 7/9, 28/9 & 19/10
Autumn Term Menu 3 – W/B – 14/9 & 5/10

The full range on the menu can be obtained from both counters in the canteen, whether it be the old serving area, or the extended new wing of the canteen.

Wendy Bennett, Business Manager, said: “This has been a big change for in terms of catering arrangements but we have found some of the revised scheduling and provision has been for the better and will be worth keeping once we get back to normal. The students have responded well and our catering team are pleased to be back and busy.”