Our Instrumental Music Lessons will begin from Monday 18 September and protocols are in place to reduce risk.

Naturally, we will constantly review arrangements so thing may change, but having reviewed government guidance we will be operating with the following expectations:

  • All students will be required to wash their hands before and after their instrumental lesson. They will also use the hand sanitiser provided, or their own, on entry and exit to the music department.
  • Students will be expected to bring in their own instruments for their lessons (including drum sticks), and they will be able to store these in the music department during the school day. In the case of keyboard and piano lessons, students will ultimately share equipment; however, we will sanitise all instruments between lessons and not share instruments outside of the year group bubbles where possible.
  • All lessons will take place within year group bubbles, so students will not have a lesson with a student from a different year group.
  • For Brass, Woodwind and Vocal lessons, lesson sizes will be restricted to a maximum of two students and the lessons will take place in either classrooms or the music corridor to ensure the area is well ventilated.
  • Social distancing will be adhered to in all instances.
  • Students’ lessons will not rotate this year and instead they will have a set time for their music lesson. We will try to avoid core subjects when creating the timetables and students will be expected to catch-up with work that is missed.
  • The timetables for lessons will be displayed on the Music noticeboard opposite the theatre no later than Friday 11th September.

Any students needing assistance in terms of finding their lesson time, should speak to either Mr Hood or Mrs Boden, who will be more than happy to assist. When students have a music lesson, they need to notify their teacher and leave their lesson five minutes before the lesson start time.

If there are any further questions or concerns, then please contact our Head of Music, Jon Hood, via: jhood@friaryschool.co.uk

Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “We walk a fine line with everything in school at the moment and whilst we are intent on helping our children to learn and access every opportunity, we also reduce risk wherever we can. There is so much musical talent in the school that we are thrilled to put these arrangements in place as we hate to see drop of potential to go to waste.”