One of our key methods for securing your safety is to implement a ‘one-way’ system around the school site. This is a key component of our COVID structures and follows guidance from the Department for Education and out Health & Safety support team.

The ‘one-way’ system is a non-negotiable – it will take some getting used to, it will make some journeys a little longer, but it is has to be followed.

The system is not only for the safety of students and staff – but also for the parents, grandparents, siblings, etc, who rely on you to reduce your risk of taking COVID back into your family home.

You can watch a video to tour the ‘one-way system and have it thoroughly explained here.

Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “The ‘one-way’ system is just one of the many ways we are seeking to mitigate our COVID risk and all students and parents should have gone through the extensive guidance which has been posted and emailed out, as well as published on the website and social media platforms. We cannot eliminate all risk, but we can reduce it, and these measures are about protecting ourselves and those we care for in school and at home.”