The School Age Immunisation Team have sent a message to all Year 8-9 parents to reassure everyone that they will be ‘catching up’ all vaccinations missed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
They have asked us to inform parents that:
“The School Age Immunisation Team have been offering a variety of vaccination sessions in schools, clinics and drive through venues to enable as many young people of Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent to be given their outstanding immunisations as quickly as possible after the lock down period.
The team has been, and is continuing to do, all that is possible to book appointments and vaccinate school age children but the regulations and resulting implications that Covid 19 has bought into place has affected the way we operate and the response from parents / guardians contacting the team to book appointments, via telephone and email, has at time been overwhelming. Due to high schools remaining closed to whole year groups and social distancing guidelines the service has had to adapt and offer vaccinations under an appointment only basis.
We have not be able to offer all children from the eligible cohorts an appointment at the school sessions due to the longer than normal appointment time required but we have tried our best to accommodate the parents who have contacted us. Please be assured we will carrying out many extra clinics throughout the summer holiday break in various locations across Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent and will continue the vaccination catch up programme throughout the 2020/2021 school year.”
Luke Baker, Assistant Headteacher, said: “The Midland Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and their Immunisation Team do an excellent job and we are confident they will get things back on track through the next school year. This is just part of the big picture of catch-up that will be taking place throughout the public sector in the months ahead.”
If any parents wish to contact the School Age Immunisation Team directly then they can do so via 0300 124 0366, or via email on Alternatively, you can get advice through your local doctor’s surgery.