Our fantastic PTFA have been far from dormant during lockdown and the regular online meetings have seen some great ideas come to the fore, not least the Virtual Summer Sizzler which gave our musicians a chance to showcase their talents.

Furthermore, the PTFA have joined forces with the Greywood Multi-Schools Trust, in helping to fund our canteen expansion. This extension was vital anyway, but has become even more crucial amidst the COVID restrictions for September 2020.

Naturally, the PTFA’s fund-raising has been curtailed by the shutdown but they have now set up a Go Fund Me page to help raise additional funds to go towards the new furniture needed for the facility.

You can access the page to make a donation here.

Lottie Hearn, Assistant Headteacher, said: “Our PTFA are really a stunning organisation and their creativity during lockdown has not been a surprise to anyone who knows how the team operates. The Go Fund Me page is the latest idea and it is already on track to make a big difference to every child’s school life in September. We would urge anyone who feels they can donate to do so.”