We wanted to give you an update as we are being contacted by parents seeking information about the school re-opening in September 2020 after the government announced last week that it was their “plan that all pupils, in all year groups, will return to school full-time from the beginning of the Autumn Term”.
The DfE published their guidance on school’s re-opening at the end last week and it can be viewed here.
We are currently working through the details and are in liaison with a range of external organisations to ensure we mitigate risk as best we can.
We will get in touch with parents before the end of term to outline our plans though they will be updated throughout the summer holidays depending on the changing national picture.
Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “The situation is very fluid with regular government updates and every school having to apply complex arrangements to their own unique setting. We are working on what will be significant changes and will make sure these are flagged up in advance of the start of the Autumn Term.”