We are delighted to welcome back out Year 10 students starting from Monday 15 June and running until the end of the Summer Term.
The schedule between Monday to Thursday will run as follows:
W/B 15 June – Some Y10s – invitation only; Ie – targeted children
W/B 22 June – Y10s rota
W/B 29 June – Y10s rota
W/B 6 July – Y10s rota
W/B 13 July – Y10s rota
This schedule will see every student have the opportunity to meet with their subject teacher for a 2hr session. The 2hr sessions will include: (i) a review of the work they should have covered at home; (ii) a covering of key content / themes; (iii) an outline of the work they need to cover in the weeks ahead.
The school days will run to the following timetable for Year 10s:
8.45am – 10.45am – Session / Subject 1
10.45am – 11.10am – Brunch Break
11.10am – 1.10pm – Session / Subject 2
Unfortunately, individual students cannot change their sessions as it requires a very complicated rota to get all students and staff together. We have no wish to unpick it, not to see carefully planned class sizes grow to more risky levels. We would advise all students to attend, though the final decision rests with each family and non-attendance will not be met with the normal formal processes.
Of course, home learning remains crucial and these in-school sessions are designed to support that effort, not replace it. The resources from the sessions will be put online in the usual format. We will also set optional work to cover over the summer holiday. It will be revision work though staff will not be available to mark it or give feedback until September.
Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “We have planned this return very carefully and are taking great care to ensure that everyone is facing risks which are reduced as much as is feasible. Of course, every parent makes their own choice, but I can say I would say, knowing all we have put in place, that I would choose to send my own children into school.”
If you have any queries, then please email office@friaryschool.co.uk and we will look to address them as swiftly as we can.

re-opening red grunge round vintage rubber stamp