We have worked very hard to ensure that we minimise the risks for every student returning to school. Of course, you can never eliminate all risk, but we are confident we have put in the necessary arrangements to protect everyone as well as we can.

The newspapers are full of a million-and-one articles, photos, opinions, and so on, so we wanted you to be clear on what each student can expect. Of course, it will be school, but not as we know it…

Reduced Numbers in School

The Y10 and Y12ss will be scheduled so that we have reduced groups so that far less students than normal will be in each day. This means we can reduce class sizes and contact around the school.

Student Dress

In order to make Y10 and Y12 students as comfortable as possible, and allowing for outgrown uniform and Sixth Form dress, we are permitting all students to attend in ‘non-uniform’. Of course, even allowing for the recent hot weather, it would help if it were appropriate for school.

Entry to the Building

Each student will be directed to enter the school through a specific entrance so that we can reduce contact. There will be hand gel and guidance at each entry point. They should then head straight to their classroom for a prompt start. They should maintain appropriate social distancing at all times and avoid meeting in large groups either on or off site.


We have selected rooms which best support social distancing and there will be set seating arrangements in place. Each student will be expected to remain in their seat. Each room will be kitted out with hand gel, wipes, etc, though if students can bring their own then this will help.


Unsurprisingly, we would expect every student to attend with their own equipment, such as pen, pencil, ruler, calculator, etc, as we do not wish to be sharing items.


We are liaising with the bus companies and Staffordshire County Council on their provision – as yet things are unclear. We will email all parents with details as we get them. We expect students to be dropped off outside from the school site to support social distancing and allow duty staff to focus on entry to the building rather than the dangerous build-up of forecourt traffic.

Exiting the Building

Students will be dismissed from their different locations around the site. They must leave the site immediately. Students will be supervised off site. Naturally, social distancing expectations will be the responsibility of the student and their parents at that point. Students who cannot get home at this time can remain at school until 3.00pm where they will be placed in supervised study alongside Key Worker children.

Well-Being & Medical Support

We will have pastoral and First Aid staff on site at all times. However, this is emergency support only. If any student shows any remote sign of COVID-19 symptoms then they should not be sent into school. Any student feeling unwell should inform staff (with due social distancing) immediately and then report to the First Aid Room. Parents must be available to pick them up straight away.


Clearly, it goes without saying that we expect students to follow instructions at all times – and the good news is that the overwhelming majority are always excellent. The re-opening of the school cannot be done safely if a child is non-compliant. If there are issues then that student will be sent home and remain there until the new school year. Again we know our students are fantastic, and anticipate no problems, but clearly we are at a more critical time when the bar is higher than ever.

Food & Refreshments

Y10 students will be able to order food / refreshments at the start of their first session and pick it up in a food bag during their brunch break. However, we will not be in a position to offer provision to Y12s due to their different timings. The water fountains and drinks machines will have to be switched off. If students wish to bring a snack or drink of their own then they are welcome to do so.


We would appreciate parents talking through these details at home before the school re-opens. The school website will also have regular updates. We will contact parents via email where appropriate with updates so it is vital parents ensure their contact details are up-to-date. If parents wish to make changes then simply notify us via office@friaryschool.co.uk.

Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “Clearly, we are making safety our absolute priority but we will also be drumming in the message in sessions that it is everyone’s duty to their care of their own (and others) health and safety. If students and staff follow the basic principles of safety and the systems we have out in place then we can be confident that we will be fine.”