We know that students and parents are well-engaged with Show My Homework and the sign-in data shows a lot of work is going on.
Even so, we wanted to offer you some more options that might be a little bit different and will offer a break from perhaps the norm:
Practical Ideas:
This BBC article is all about ways to stay connected. It’s got details of all sorts of interesting activities you can access online including book clubs, pub quizzes, museum from home tours (including national gallery), pet care videos, exercise videos and cooking shows. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-51966087
Relationships at Home:
This article from Relate (the relationship people). It’s all about how to support and cope with living in close quarters with family/loved ones, etc https://www.relate.org.uk/covid-19-our-advice-and-tips-healthy-relationships
Good News Stories:
The Telegraph are doing a daily coronavirus good news round up which is released at 12:30 each day. Here’s an example: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/03/26/coronavirus-positive-good-news-round-up-testing-times-coming/
Host A Film Night:
Want to host a film night?! Netflix have launched Netflix party which allows you to watch Netflix films and shows with your friends/family online synchronising playback and offering group chat https://www.netflixparty.com/ (we think it might only work via Google Chrome browsers)
Animal Webcams:
Love animals ? Here’s a comprehensive list compiled by Country Living, of all the best animal webcams: https://www.countryliving.com/uk/wildlife/countryside/g31784857/live-animal-webcam-zoo/
Worried About Coronavirous:
NHS Tips for Dealing with Covid 19 anxiety: https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters/coronavirus-covid-19-anxiety-tips/
Pete Yardley has been a health and fitness professional for over a decade. He has planned age appropriate daily mini-workouts for all of children and adults for FREE in these difficult times. Pete is doing the sessions in his living room to encourage people that are isolating or working from home to be part of something social and stay healthy.
Children’s sessions are only 15 minutes – but they really get you moving!
Adult workout – 7:30am
Primary workout – 8:30am
Secondary workout – 8:45am
To keep up to date, follow Pete and he will post updates on when workouts will be.
To watch the videos live go to https://www.instagram.com/peteyardley.hf/ and click on the profile picture in the corner when it’s highlighted with a play button.
Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “it is still early days but like in school the best way to maintain engagement is by introducing some variety and fun into things. Hopefully, this list is a combination of support and activities that will help with the home learning.”