Everyone will be aware of the fast-moving situation with the coronavirus and as a school we are dealing with things as they come up, just as you are.

Essentially, the situation sees us having to operate differently and rather than drip-drip details out we would rather map things out for the next few weeks now.

1. School Closure:
Currently, there are no plans to close the school during the school day and any decision will be made in conjunction the Department for Education and Public Health England.
If this changes, we will inform you as soon as we are in the know.
Even so, we are working hard behind the scenes in preparation for a school closure in terms of setting work and, though Show My Homework still remains the key channel, we will send out further details when necessary.

2. School Events:
In response to the most up-to-date and rapidly changing advice, we have made the decision to cancel / postpone a series of events up to May half-term.
Of course, all of this information will become redundant if the school is formally closed.

(i) Encore Shows (18-20 March):
These shows will be cancelled. Tickets will be refunded over Parent Pay over the next week. All students who have missed the chance to perform have the option of doing so at the Summer Sizzler on an additional second stage.

(ii) Year 12 Parents Evening (26 March):
This evening will be postponed until further notice. Students have recently had a report and will have another report (including their Mocks) next half-term. We will contact any parents where there are specific concerns.

(iii) Year 7 Parents Evening (21 May):
This evening should be viewed as postponed until further notice. If this changes, and it becomes possible to run the meetings, then we will notify parents in advance. We will contact any parents where there are specific concerns.

(iv) Duke of Edinburgh:
All outward bounds weekends will be postponed until September.
The in-school activities will continue as usual and students will still work to get their award.

Currently, the following events will run as planned, as they involve students and staff as per the normal school day:

(i) Saturday Schools
(ii) Easter School
(iii) May School

There will be further announcements regarding the 2nd Summer half-term when we get nearer to that point in time and are better placed to see how things are. It is likely by then that you will have as much an idea of what needs to done as we will.

3. School Trips:
We have a range of international trips which are up-in-the-air. All parents affected will be contacted separately depending on the particular situation with their trip.

4. Coronavirus Updates:
It is tough to keep up with the advice on coronavirus – and we are dealing with multiple directives and sources of information which at times give contradictory advice – but more simply we would encourage all parents to keep an eye on NHS advice:


Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “This is a difficult time and at times it is possible that you will disagree with a stance we take. We would ask you to support us and recognise that not all decisions are in our hands. Certainly, whether we are open or closed, we will always be doing the best we can for your children in what are perhaps the most challenging of circumstances.”