From the whistle, Friary applied immediate pressure on the opposition gaining an early lead from a reverse stick shot by Jacob Mieleniewski.

However, Denstone College came back fighting earning a short corner to score their first.

Soon after Jacob Wright made a speedy run into the Denstone D and with a sneaky slap shot fired it home to take the score to 2-1 at half time.

In the second half, Denstone came back hard and made a number of interceptions in their attacking D, which unlucky for the Friary defence could not clear away giving the opposition the lead and taking the score to 4-2 with 10 minutes to go.

Friary continued to press and made a number of skilful runs through the Denstone midfield and fired balls into the D for yet again goals from Jacob Wright and Jacob Mieleniewski to end the game at a draw 4-4.

Ms Fallows, Head Coach, said: ‘Circumstances left us playing with 10 men so this was certainly a fantastic result to end with. It was great to see some old faces in the team, who despite not playing for two years, showed they stil had what it takes.”

‘Man of the Match’ was awarded to Charlie Knight for his sheer determination in defence and battling his way until the final whistle.