Last term saw Year 11 students complete their Mock Exams, and we now have the Pre-Public Exams on the horizon which will further help Y11 students to prepare for their all-important final exams this summer.

These exams are very valuable as they ensure the students start their revision early and allow the teachers to identify where the gaps are so that they can be closed before the final exams.

The Pre-Public Exams are plotted to run to the following schedule:

Monday 24 February:
AM – English Literature Component 1 – 2 hours

Tuesday 25 February:
PM – Maths Paper 1 – 1 hour 30 mins

Wednesday 26 February:
AM – Biology – Triple – 1 hour 45 mins
AM – Biology – Combined Science – 1 hour 15 mins

Thursday 27 February:
PM – Maths Paper 2 – 1 hour 30 mins

Friday 28 February:
AM – Chemistry – Triple – 1 hour 45 mins
AM – Chemistry – Combined Science – 1 hour 15 mins
PM – Computer Science – 1 hour 30 mins

Monday 2 March:
AM – Maths Paper 3 – 1 hour 30 mins
PM – French – Foundation – 1 hour
PM – French – Higher – 1 hour 15 mins

Tuesday 3 March:
AM – Physics – Triple – 1 hour 45 mins
AM – Physics – Combined Science – 1 hour 15 mins

Wednesday 4 March:
AM – Geography – 1 hour 30 mins
PM – History – 1 hour

These exams are all about preparation so there is no secret on what they will cover. If you wish to see what will be in the exams then click here.

Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “The students have been guided on what to expect, have revision materials provided, have after-school and Saturday School boosters, and have been taught well. These exams are all about the students getting their eye in and lining things up for the summer.”

Benjamin Franklin, one of the Foundling Fathers of the USA, said: “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”