The Friary School is offering a week long skiing trip to Canada in Easter 2021 and the trip is open to all current Key Stage 3 (so Years 7-9) students. There are 48 places on the trip.
The skiing trips are very popular and it would be impossible to offer a place to everyone who wishes to go. Clearly, the space on the plane, room availability, staff levels, and health and safety parameters mean we have to limit numbers.
We are using ParentPay to book places through a deposit. This is the fairest system we can run and has exactly the same approach as many ticketed events you may have attended elsewhere.
We anticipate that there may be some disappointment, but as a voluntary activity we run, we would expect parents to show the same tolerance and understanding as when tickets for Little Mix, the Rolling Stones or Stoke City rapidly sell out fast.
Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “We rotate the two Europe and 1 Americas ski trips so this opportunity is a special one. It will be a fantastic trip, one of many staff put on, and I would urge parents to read the letter provided so that they are clear on the trip and the process for signing up.”
For further information, read the trip letter which is available here.