The Friary School runs a ‘Your School Lottery’ which is a weekly prize draw which sees a guaranteed weekly prize each week and the chance to win up to £25,000 per week too.

The lottery also raises funds for the PTFA and this money is directed straight into improving school facilities and opportunities across our provision. If you child has ever use the school minibus – it is down to the PFA. If your child has ever been under the stage lights – it is down to the PFA. If your child has ever read a library book or worked on the library computers – it is down to the PFA. If your child has ever been in our Sixth Form Centre – it is down to the PFA.

This year the PTFA is working to raise funds to extend the canteen facilities, both in terms of seating and serving areas. We are hoping to ensure children get more time to eat, talk with their friends, and relax before getting down to some hard work in the afternoon.

‘Your School Lottery’ are offering the chance to win a family set of Fitbits for the new year for any family signing up for a £1 per week ticket so there is an extra incentive – if none was needed – to sign up knowing you will support your child’s education, as well as hopefully winning the top £25,000 prize.

Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “I have signed up for our family tickets because I well know how vital the PTFA funds are for the school’s provision. It would be great if more parents sign up as it means our school prize fund goes up, pour school funding goes up, and the improvements for our children will only go up as well.”

If you would like to sign up for our ‘Your School Lottery’ then visit: