Charlotte Neal (Y11) has been selected for the prestigious British Dressage National Academy for 2020. This is a superb achievement at a national level – but particularly in terms of her being a 16 year old in a selection field that goes up to 25 years of age and is offered across Britain.

The selection criteria was highly rigorous and judged a range of scores and combinations across all aspects of dressage, assessment at initial Foundation academy camps, and then a final judgement from there. Moving forward, this selection brings Sport England funding and the training offered comes from Olympic-standard riders.

Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “ We are thrilled for Charlotte and it only reflects the hard work and commitment she puts into all aspects of her life. She is a credit to herself, her family and her school. We are looking forward to see her progress from here and count ourselves fortunate that she is with us.”

You can read more details about Charlotte’s elite selection at: