As part of the Pearson Exam Qualifications’ (as part of the Edexcel Examining Board) robust monitoring system, our school was the focus of a Verification of Standards Review for our BTEC Provision and the final report has been very positive.
The inspection was standard protocol and co-ordinated internally by Kim Fallows, BTEC Lead Co-Ordinator, and resulted in high praise for the school’s provision.
The report’s feedback included that there are “robust and standardised quality systems”, “assessment is well planned” and there is a “robust intervention system to provide support for learners to achieve”.
Ian Rose, Deputy Headteacher and SLT Link for Vocational Courses, said: “The vocational courses we run are always OFQUAL approved and we are blessed with superb staff who ensure their provision is well-planned and of a high-quality.”
Matt Allman, Headteacher, added: “We are a mixed ability school and so we ensure we have a curriculum which is fit for purpose for all of our students. It is this approach that sees our students perform so very highly against national benchmarks.”