Year 11-13 Health & Social Care students took part in a workshop to improve the awareness of the roles of Allied Health professionals and it gave them a real insight and opportunity to demonstrate the skills required in a particular position.
Not only was the session aimed at the types of roles and responsibilities available, but it also allowed students to get some hands on experience taking part in a number of role-plays which showed them how a variety of health professionals would support a particular case study/patient. This was also useful and early revision preparation for their exam in January 2020.
Elsewhere, Jane MacKenzie, an Occupational Therapist, has kindly teamed up with the Health & Social Care Department to promote the diverse types of positions available to students and give them some idea of what they can aspire to be.
Ms Fallows, Head of Health & Social Care, said: “We are very grateful for Jane and her team taking the time out of their busy working schedule to support the students as they prepare for their external examinations. We have also received positive feedback from students and parents in particular requesting more of these informative workshops as it gives them real life experiences to engage with.”