Our recent Year 9 Partnership Evening was well attended and mapped out the route for our Year 9 students towards Pathways Evening, towards formal GCSE-level qualifications, and towards thoughts of Sixth Form and post-school life.

There were a range of drop-in sessions focusing on boys achievement, core subjects and learning habits, as well as reflection on partnership between school and home can be maintained and even improved.

Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “These evenings have attracted wholehearted praise from parents and we’ve been delighted with the feedback. There is no doubt that if we can make sure both home and school dovetail their efforts then every child can be hugely successful in their exams. Success comes in many different forms, but when teachers and parents combine then students have a far greater chance of shining.”

Y9 Partnership Evening – Main Presentation

Y9 Partnership Evening – English

Y9 Partnership Evening – Maths

Y9 Partnership Evening – Boys