Our World Food Day celebrations saw a hectic week organised by the Science Department that brought thoughts, tastes and awareness to the minds of every student.
The assembly week focussed on the level of hunger in the world and practical ways that we can all help achieve the target of #Zerohunger. Likewise, tutor time activities covered the topic in detail and foods from around the world have been celebrated on different days in the canteen; for example, on Thursday the students thoroughly enjoyed the Indian dishes on offer.
Tuesday lunchtime showcased a mini farmer’s market of produce from local producers – a BIG thank you to Bradbury’s Farm Shop in Lichfield and also Woodhouse Farm and Garden in Fisherwick for donating produce. Elsewhere, teachers and students have completed surveys about their eating, cooking and shopping habits and the findings show that the Friary community is working hard to limit food waste.
Furthermore, Miss Pang and 3 Sixth Formers – Tom Williams, Maddy Tankard & Hollie Clachan – visited local shops to investigate their efforts to reduce food and packaging waste and a video report of the research has been produced and shown to all students.
Finally, taste buds tingled where students ate insects as an alternative protein source to meat – with, buffalo worms, mealworms, crickets and locusts of the menu. At the other end of the spectrum, Y7-9 students made desserts from around the world on Friday lunchtime with their favourites including tiramisu, American cheesecake and Eton Mess.
Mark Drury, Assistant Headteacher, said: “Clearly, today’s young people have a passionate interest in the environment and climate change and the issue of food production and waste is an emotive issue which really makes children think. This Focus Week was designed to encourage this and amidst mealworms and sugar-loaded desserts, there was plenty of time to reflect and understand how the world is changing around us.”
If you would like to learn more about World Food Day visit: http://www.fao.org/world-food-day