Kevin Wilcox, Road Safety Officer at Staffordshire County Council, spoke with our Y12s about road safety statistics within the young adult cohort and presented a short film highlighting the main issues about young adults become casualties in a car.
The topics covered involved not wearing seatbelts, peer pressure and the use of mobile phones while driving.
The film was very hard hitting and thought provoking, so gave our Y12 students and insightful education into road safety as many of them embark on upon their driving lessons.
Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “The session was very much steered towards emphasising the responsibility all of our Y12s have both as drivers and passengers. There can be times in life where you have to be brave, take responsibility and stand up and tell people to stop. We would rather our students did this when facing dangerous driving than to risk losing their life by failing to do so. We are grateful to Staffordshire County Council for supporting us in doing this.”