Our annual Prize Giving Evening saw awards given out to those students who shone in Year 9 (as they ended Key Stage Three) and Year 11 (as they faced their final GCSE exams) and our lead guest, Pat Hunt, CEO of the Greywood Multi-Schools Trust, had the chance to meet many of our elite students.

Key Stage Three Academic Awards:

These awards were given out for academic excellence in these subjects:

Maths – William Moseley English – Dennis Ho
Science – Andrei Muntean History – Owen Stothert
Geography – Bryony Stephenson French – Jacon Mieleniski
PE (Girls) – Izzy Collis PE (Boys) – Will Moseley
ICT – Emily Elsdon RE – Sophie Hogg
Art – Sophie Hogg Ellie-Mai Harrison
Music – Mae Bennett DT – Evie Hulme

Key Stage Three House Awards:

These awards were given out for outstanding leadership and role modelling within their respective House:

Darwin House – Evie Hulme Garrick House – Dennis Ho
Johnson House – Mae Bennett Seward House – Lydia Bedlow

Key Stage Four Academic Awards:

These awards were given out for academic excellence in these subjects:

Maths – Warwick Smith English Language – Josh Brammall
English Literature – Nyah Millership Combined Science – Tom Hughes
History – Toby Morris-Samuels Geography – Josh Worrall
French – Tom Hughes Spanish – Libby Mills
PE – Amber Harrison Computing – Toma Tokiwa
Creative Tech – Elle Mae Smallman RE – Evie Horan
Art – Georgina Broome Drama – Louis Caldwell
Music – Tom Hughes Health & Social Care – Poppy Phelps
Hosp. & Cater. – Amy Bridgewater Engineering – Jack Hulme
Business – Hannah Elson

There were two additional awards for academic excellence:

Lichfield’s Science & Engineering Society Award – Ellen Richardson
The Ruth Prowse Memorial Award – Greg Bilinski

Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “We were incredibly proud of all our GCSE students and this was a wonderful chance to celebrate the well-deserved success of so many of our success stories. Equally, it was fantastic to see the next generation coming through and we can already see the stars of Summer 2021 beginning to emerge.”