Sixth Form students due to embark on our World Challenge expedition to Malawi in Summer 2019 spent this weekend participating in their preparatory expedition which contributes to readying them for their final experience.
This field trip involved testing out equipment, camping out, preparing food and essentially honing the core life-skills needed to survive on treks across Malawian mountains and safari walks.
The trip was on Cannock Chase, amidst cold and wet conditions, though Malawi will be in the cool, but dry, winter season when our students visit. Even so, the exact tents, cooking equipment and hygiene approaches were all used and so students are ready for most of the logistics that Malawi will throw at them.
Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “This field trip went hugely well and we are very proud of the students and staff who made it so successful. The World Challenge experience has created a real buzz in the school and we are looking for it to become a long-term commitment by our school for future year groups.”