Today, Dr Charlotte Houldcroft (a past Friary student herself) returned to school to run an incredible workshop with our Y12 and Y13 Apollo students to enlighten them about the process of applying to the most prestigious UK universities.

Charlotte, who graduated from Oxford University, now works as a Science Lecturer at Cambridge University and so was able to offer a range of advice, guidance and support to our students, based upon her personal experiences.

As part of the workshop, Charlotte explored how students should best prepare for interviews, how to make their personal statements stand out, how to ensure that they get the most out of university studies and what they should be prioritising in their studies so as to secure an offer.

Sarah Cresswell, Head of Sixth Form, said: “It was such a brilliant opportunity for our students to see and speak to an ex-Friary pupil who has gone on to achieve great success. Not only did it motivate them, it also provided them with the encouragement and belief that pupils at this school can and do go onto to achieve amazing things. Pupils shared ideas, asked poignant questions and had personalised one-to-one meetings with Charlotte, which they were incredibly grateful to have had. It has definitely inspired them!”