Students return to school on Wednesday 4 September and we will have a slightly staggered start to help our new Year 7s to settle into their new routine.

8.40am Year 7 students should report to the theatre for an 8.45am start.

10.00am Year 8-11 students should report to their new tutor room for a 10.10am start.
Any students who travel in and need to arrive at normal time can do so – but must report to their new tutor room.

11.10am Break time.

11.30am Normal lessons begin for Years 7-11.

2.05pm Year 12 students should report to the theatre and collect their timetables.

Both Year 12 & 13 students report to their tutor rooms at 8.45 am on Thursday 5 September.

Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “After getting our new Year 7s started we are keen to get into normal schools days as soon as possible. It will be exciting to see all of the students return, and even better to see them in lessons, learning, and on track to do as fantastically well as the students who have just departed.”