We place a great emphasis on our Careers & Aspiration Guidance in the school and many students and parents will already have taken part in a wide range of activities; ranging from Employability Workshops to Raising Aspiration Evenings, university visits to UCAS guidance, or apprenticeship workshops to targeted job talks.

The government have set some new standards for all schools to meet in terms of careers guidance – called The Gatsby Benchmarks – and although we are re-jigging our practice to meet them the good news is that we were pretty much already at this highest standards already. This is reflected by our very low-level of NEETS (Not in Employment, Education or Training) at the end of Year 11 and Year 13.

The National Careers Service has developed its provision to and is giving explicit guidance to schools on how their local labour market will develop in the next few years so schools can bear this in mind when working with their students.

Our city falls into the category of Manchester, Staffordshire, Cheshire, & Warrington and the research reveals that current employment levels are at 3.6%, the average weekly hours are 31.7hrs and the average annual salary is £27,539.

More importantly, by 2024 there will be 110,000 new jobs in the area with the leading sectors being Finance & Business, Construction, ICT, Transport & Storage, Cultural and Creative Industries and Health & Social Work.

Carrie Cain, Assistant Headteacher, said: “We will seek to share this guidance with parents each quarter and are already building the new guidance into our already extensive provision. We very much view our school as providing the building blocks for both personal and professional life so careers and aspirational guidance is a key element of our work.”

If you wish to view the report in more detail it can be found here.