The PTFA has launched our own School Lottery and, as well as the project raising vital funds for your child’s school, there is a chance to win prizes reaching up to £25,000 each week.

The first school winner was Mr Thorpe – one of our Maths teachers – who has joined the scheme to raise money for our school.

At the moment, teachers make up a high proportion of those set up to play, but with over 1,000 parents out there we are hoping that this will soon not be the case.

It is easy to sign up – simply visit and follow the straight-forward instructions to support the scheme.

Lottie Hearn, Assistant Headteacher, said: “We are delighted the PTFA have got this scheme off the ground and are confident our parents will back the School Lottery up so that we can keep raising funds to make sure we give every child the best possible opportunities in school. We are thrilled so many staff have signed up and it will be great to the prize funds increase as more player join up.”