Our Focus Week is looking at Mental Health for Teens and we well appreciate that parents face the brunt of any challenges. At a recent Parents Evening we shared the figure that students spend only 10.8% of their time between the ages of 11-16 with us – the rest of it is under the care of home – so any challenges very much manifest themselves there more than anywhere.

Consequently, we wanted to share this leaflet from the Anna Freud Foundation – and independent organisation – which offers advice to secondary school parents on managing potential mental health issues with their children.

Mental Health Awareness Week – Anna Freud Foundation – Parent Advice Leaflet

This Focus Week will see ‘Mental Health’ at the forefront of sessions, lessons and assemblies this week, but with all the mental health issues we deal with in school there is usually a connection back to home.

Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “Thankfully, there is an improved awareness of mental health issues but the message of being open with one another is one that needs constant reinforcement and this applies to school and the home. We would urge all parents to read the attached leaflet and discuss the topic with their children.”