This is the time of year that the word ‘revision’ is probably the most common sound around the school building and, though many of our students have already been putting in plenty of effort, it is always important to flag up new ideas and approaches that might just work.
The school partnerships with Partner in Excellence (PIXL) and they have provided some excellent pamphlets which offer pointers on particular revision strategies and these are available to all students facing exams this summer:
Revision – Chunking
Revision – Load Theory
Revision – Flashcards
Revision – Flipped Learning
Revision – Interleaving
Revision – Keeping Active
Revision – Planning
Elsewhere, we are having a wide range of revision assemblies, revision booklets, after-school boosters, Saturday and Holiday School sessions, and so on to help students deliver their very best.
Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “It has been fantastic to see so many students’ revision notes, mind maps, etc and we are thrilled that so much work is going on at home as well as in school. The PIXL cards offer some good pointers – especially for me on the Chunking and Flashcards – so we are keen to put them out there and share them as widely as we can.”