Parents and community stakeholders met at our school to learn more and question the background to our proposed switch to academy status as part of our consultation process.
The meeting saw a presentation by Pat Hunt, CEO Designate of the proposed Greywood Multi-Schools Trust, which laid out the rationale and motivation for the conversion and how it is planned to take forward our school, along with Queen’s Croft Special School and Henry Chadwick Primary School. This was followed by an open-floor Q&A session involving Pat Hunt, as well as Jamie Checkland, Chair of Governors, and Matt Allman, Headteacher.
There were a string of insightful questions ranging from funding streams, the opportunities for partnership work across the school, the long-term benefits for the students, possible expansion, and the future for the school’s daily leadership.
Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “We were very grateful that parents and community members took time out of their busy schedules to drop in, take an interest and make their voice heard on this process. We value the views of our stakeholders and the meeting was part of the wider consultation which is part of our statutory due diligence.”