The school’s annual Anti-Bullying Week ran through with the usual high priority fanfare as a string of events took place to drum in the message that respect, support, sensitivity and self-discipline are vital to everyone as they proceed through life.

The ‘Upstander / Bystander’ Competition was won by Edward Patstone, Keean Hopwood, Archie Williamson and Chloe Butler and analysed the role we all have in standing up for ourselves and others rather than letting bullying take place unopposed.

Elsewhere, the ‘Wicked Young Writer’ Competition involved writing excellent short stories with the theme of ‘Choose Respect’ and was won by Eleanor Easton and Abigail Pinches. Eleanor incorporated ideas about body image, mental health and resilience, whilst Abigail focused on the pros and cons of social media use and the downside to chasing ‘likes’.

This Focus Week remains an integral part of our House system with Anti-Bullying Reps and E-Safety Reps playing an active part through the school year in terms of pushing awareness of these important themes. Consequently, this week saw assemblies, tutor time activities, campaigns and projects related to these themes.

Mark Drury, Assistant Headteacher, said: “The anti-bullying message and 2018 theme of ‘Choose Respect’ relate to life at school, but also to the workplace, the family home and our daily interactions. The theme of taking responsibility for one’s actions has been an important message and if our school and our community increase levels of respect then our world will be a better place.”