The abolition of Staffordshire County Council’s ‘Your Staffordshire Cards’ has provoked a lot of rumour and gossip but, though bus fares are set to rise, there are ways to counter the increases if you plan ahead.

Currently, the ‘Your Staffordshire Cards’ allow most students aged 11-20 to use the buses to any local destination for a maximum fare of £1.30. However, the removal of the current scheme will see bus fares increase.

This week we were in contact with Dave Mason, Service Delivery Manager for Arriva Midlands, who pointed out that: “We do have other solutions including where parents can pay for bus passes by Direct Debit (currently £44 per month) for unlimited travel on Arriva buses.”

Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “There is no doubt that the scrapping of the ‘Your Staffordshire’ scheme will cause families difficulties, but these can be at least partially mitigated if parents can plan ahead and get themselves into a position where they can pay ahead for monthly or termly passes. There are eight months till the change comes into effect so for any of us who have children who come to school on the buses there is time to make sure you are not caught out”

You can read more about ways around the bus fare increases in our previous article on this topic at: