Our Y12 Raising Aspirations Evening saw students and parents drop into a series of sessions which shed light on the journey ahead as our Sixth Formers move into Higher Apprenticeships and university places.
The guest speakers – sessions included:
Applying to Oxbridge & Russell Group Universities – Zoe Torsney, University Admissions Expert
Higher Level Apprenticeships – Tina Patel from Ask Apprenticeships
Higher Education at Birmingham University – Clare O’Driscoll from Birmingham University
Student Finance – Roman Triffit from Nottingham University
Carrie Cain, Assistant Headteacher, said: “Our raising aspirations programme is not only about aiming high but also showing students how to get there. We worked hard to get a good range of speakers and every students has taken away things they can use moving forward.”
Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “Outside of buying a home, a university degree is likely to be the most expensive our students and families will pay for. This is why it is so important everyone understands the importance of getting the best possible grades to ensure access to the most valuable degrees, and that there is a clear understanding of the alternative routes such as Higher Level apprenticeships. In my time, and no doubt many parents, Year 12 (Lower 6th) was an easy ride before Year 13 (Upper Sixth) kicked in – with £10,000s to spend at university this is no longer the case.”