Many parents will be well aware of the extensive support programme we have in place for students in years 10-13.
This includes extensive revision materials, after-school boosters, Saturday Schools, Holiday Schools and more besides.
This year we are seeking to further develop our Year7-9 students by staging targeted sessions that not only target different ability groups but also begin to prepare the students for the demands of upper school.
Our KS3 Interventions Programme will see all of the core academic subjects – English, Maths, Science, French, Geography and History – running after-school boosters each half-term that see students come back after-school to work on their study and subject skills.
Some sessions are targeted for less able students and address core skills, other are for our most able students and provide additional stretch and challenge to help them reach the highest 9-7 grades.
Jason Cain, Assistant Headteacher, said: “We have worked hard over the last two years to get our Y10-11 curriculum right and now things are well-established we are keen to embed good habits in Years 7-9. The intervention sessions will need student and parental commitment but the students have been outstanding over the last two years so there is no reason why the younger years will not follow suit.”