After a running battle through the year, the final scores are in for the House Cup and this year’s winners are Seward House.

The final standings in the House points were:

1st  SEWARD        136,465
2nd DARWIN        134,214
3rd  GARRICK      126,774
4th  JOHNSON     115,061

The scores are a total of all school activities ranging from Sports Day Winners (Johnson) to charity fund-raising totals, awards for involvement in school events to taking part in sports teams, shows and recitals, as well as for every individual student as they earn House points through the year.

Naturally, there have been a string of rewards through the year including certificates, ice-creams, and House half-colours and colours.

Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “We moved to the new House system for many reasons – broadening out the work with those facing exams, working with external agencies and bringing more mixed-age experiences, but one of the key drivers was to embed a spirit of competition, challenge, team work and resilience. The House Cup is very much a signal of this and the Rewards Day dovetails with the running battle through the year with those who put the most in getting the most out. We believe this is very much like life and as much as anything we are seeking to ensure Friary students are ready to face the workplace and build successful futures for themselves and their own children.”